Sunday, May 25, 2008

Ren Faire

Yeah !!! I love the Renaissance Faire. There are always so many things going on... interesting people, cool things to PHOTO !
He was one of my favorite characters.
This was just for fun, but check out some more images here:

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

New Glasses

Oh boy... I received my first pair of glasses today. Not quite sure if I like them or not....
My eyes aren't that bad, just a minor astigmatism, but being a photographer... I think that my eyesight should be as perfect as possible :) And WOW, I don't know if my eyes were always like this, but I definitely enjoy seeing every little detail now. I am noticing little things that I have never seen before. I know, I know, sounds cheesy... but its true. HaHA.

Monday, May 19, 2008


Hello and welcome to my new blog.

Here I will be posting some example images of my work.
Maybe, I will add some hilarious comments....
or, maybe some political views....
or.. maybe some rants and raves about what makes me mad.
Who knows... maybe I will just be me :)

Either way, its about me and my journey with friends and family,
and my LOVE for THE CAMERA and the great images I hope to create.