New Camera today !! New Camera Today !! New Camera Today !!
Yup. I like it. WAIT... no, I LOVE IT: The incredible ---- Nikon D300
Buffy, she's always a great subject when I'm fiddling with new menus
.. learning all the buttons...

Here's a great website to learn from: (and a review of the D300)
Yes, yes. Some people have various opinions on him...
but, hey - he just says HIS OPINION. If you don't like it, then don't read his site.
I enjoy reading his thoughts, and think he has a great sense of humor, along with some VERY useful information.
Same goes for my silly blog here...
If you don't want to read what I have to say... its a free country, don't read :)
BUT ---- I am brainwashing YOU ----- READ MY BLOG !!!