Sunday, February 28, 2010

Artist / Painter available ?

I am looking to team up with a painter in the area. The best fit, would be someone who can paint people portraits. I think that this would be a great additional service to offer.

If you have any interest at all, please contact me for further details.
Preferred method, by phone: 414.367.9662

Friday, February 26, 2010

Intro to Digital Photography Class

I am now offering an INTRO TO Digital PHOTOGRAPHY class.
These will be one-on-one sessions, so that you get the most out of the class. Also insuring that you actually understand the concepts. A Digital SLR (any brand) is preferred, but the basic principles can be applied to any camera.

You will learn:
1) Basic composition skills
2) Camera Controls - Including Aperture (F-stop), Shutter Speed, etc.
3) How to deal with different lighting situations.
4) IF you have an SLR, we can even delve into studio lighting or speedlight concepts.

This course is being initially offered at $100. ACT NOW!
Don't spend more money on a camera hoping it will make better pictures, start with the knowledge on HOW to MAKE A GREAT IMAGE !!

Please contact for further details:
-Ron Sankey - Zon Photography

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

CHOOGY at the Waterfront



Heather and a number of images shot to make a calendar...
This was a 2 day, 2 part shoot.
We created some great images !


Elvis !!

...well actually it is Brian Whitton and the Suspicious Minds !!



Here's some quick images done for my friends in the band Cyanosis, just some quick shots taken in their 'jam-room'. Studio quality images coming soon.... :)